The last few days I’ve been writing down snippets of thought, words that come to mind, paths to consider.  What I’ve been reading in Ignore Everybody and Seth’s blog is affirming what I’m currently experiencing.

There are no models for where I’m heading.

My history is full of my versions of everybody else’s – well, you name it.  Now is the time for my version of ME.  There is no GPS setting for that road.

All sorts of metaphors are currently in use.  There’s the weeding of the garden.  Searching for the incongruous sneaky bits that are bogging me down, my omnivore diet and lack of exercise seem to be fitting in here.  Then there’s the driving down the road in the dark – don’t know where I’m going or how I’m going to get there, but I’m going.  Then there’s the casting of seeds, I’m exploring all sorts of things.

An interesting side note in the seed casting department.  One thing I wanted to do upon moving back to NC was, once again, apply to the Southern Highlands Craft Guild.  It’s a very big to-do in this part of the world.  Over the years, I’ve applied – unsuccessfully, 3 or 4 times; gotten to various stages of the jurying process, never gotten in.  So, here I am again.  I thought it would be a good community, meet people, support – all that.  Well, I didn’t even get past the photo part this time.

Years past I would have been a snivelling heap; this time it’s just amusing.  I have so much confidence in my work, especially the group I submitted for jurying.  I don’t have to feel bad that I didn’t get in, because I can pull out the 2007 San Francisco MOMA Holiday Flier.  In the 20 or so pages, there were only 5 jewelers and I got the centerfold.  That was a thrill and supreme validation.

This guild thing works in the bumper car metaphor … bump, move on, bump, change direction, bump bump bump… just keep moving … trajectory unknown.

onward ………………..

